November 2018 Newsletter
Click here to view full newsletter:
Aztec Tents National Sales Meeting:
The entire Aztec Tents sales, service and operations team recently met for our annual National Sales Meeting. This year we focused on several of the technical advancements we have made over the last 12 months and previewed new concept products with the team. LEARN MORE
MATRA Show 2018:
It’s that time of year again! Aztec Tents is now accepting entries to the 2018 Most Inspired Tents Photo Contest. For a chance to win this year’s competition, get out your cameras and share your most iconic event photos showcasing Aztec Tents products. VIEW PHOTOS
Photo Contest Finalists:
The search for the most amazing tent images of 2018 has been narrowed down to these finalist images. From this group, we will select the winners of the "Best daytime photo", Best night or evening photo", and the "Best 20x or below photo". The winner of our "Fan Fave Photo" has been chosen from the previous album. EXPLORE FINALISTS
Full Jumbotrac Installation Video:
We’ve recently released a full product training video demonstrating the major steps in the installation of the Jumbotrac Frame Tent System. This can be used as a great demo for how the product works and can also be used for employee training. WATCH VIDEO